A Case Study Using Tax Reducing Programs
A case study using Tax reducing programs that will save you thousands this year and next year in income taxes that when combined with our Wealth creating strategies will significantly increase your cash flow.
A case study using Tax reducing programs that will save you thousands this year and next year in income taxes that when combined with our Wealth creating strategies will significantly increase your cash flow.
BUY IN NOVEMBER AND GO AWAY IN MAY – The Chart below proves that going back to 1950 using the S&P 500, historically the strongest quarter is the 4th quarter. So when you “connect the dots” with what happened last week, and President Trump announcing the Promised Tax cuts that we have all been waiting for we could see a very strong rally about to start.
HOW CAN DEMOGRAPHICS HELP YOUR RRSPs GROW FASTER? Why are you investing your money in RRSPs? Most people do it to get the tax savings. But as the money starts to grow they then realize that having money grow for retirement is a good thing. It’s the old saying “Live for today but plan for tomorrow”.
CAN YOU MAKE MONEY USING A STRATEGY CALLED “CONNECTING THE DOTS”? I have been showing clients how to use this strategy ever since I read about it in an investment publication created by Tony Sagami, the only person I know that predicted the tech market selloff in the year 2000, therefore saving many investors from losing money.
BEST WEALTH CREATION STRATEGY AVAILABLE – For the last few weeks I having been saying I wanted to show you the number one way of attaining wealth and it is so simple I am surprised that more people are not using this very important part of copying what the rich do. That’s right, the wealthy use this method of investing because they are using other people’s money, not their own.
HOW TO MAKE ENORMOUS RETURNS ON A SLING SHOT? David slayed Goliath using a sling shot… We use a sling shot to create wealth. First what is a sling shot? In 2008 the financial crisis caused panic as investors all around the world were losing up to 60% of their investments. We were down 35% ourselves but because I knew what was coming next I was excited.