Segregated Funds

Segregated Funds

WHAT IS A SEGREGATED FUND? A Segregated Fund (Seg Fund) is a type of investment fund administered by Canadian insurance companies in the form of individual, variable life insurance contracts offering certain guarantees to the policyholder such as reimbursement of capital upon death. As required by law, these funds are fully segregated from the company’s general investment funds, hence the eponym. A Seg Fund is synonymous with the U.S. insurance industry “separate account” and related insurance and annuity products.

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Wealth Creation Strategy

BEST WEALTH CREATION STRATEGY AVAILABLE – For the last few weeks I having been saying I wanted to show you the number one way of attaining wealth and it is so simple I am surprised that more people are not using this very important part of copying what the rich do. That’s right, the wealthy use this method of investing because they are using other people’s money, not their own.